lenoeko travel around the world
Keep track of lenoeko's footprints all over the world and experience the rich cultural history of all parts of the world, inviting you to witness every drop of lenoeko's footprint in every part of the world in order to create a truly international brand. Sweat!
South Korea Introduction
South Korea, the full name of the Republic of Korea (대한민êµ), located in the northeastern part of the Asian mainland in the northeastern Korean Peninsula, east, south and west sides of the sea, is one of the four Asian little tiger. Created the "Hanjiang Miracle" which has attracted worldwide attention. South Korea's economic prosperity, rich tourist resources, has attracted tourists from around the world.
Korea's Kyng-bokkung (경복 공)
Located in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, Gyeongbokgung Palace is the former residence of the ancient Korean royal family. The mode of construction of Gyeongbokgung is the same as that of ancient Chinese architecture. Different from the palaces in the country, the Gyeongbokgung Palace in Korea is even more compact and exquisite.
South Korea Seoul Tower (서울 타워)
Seoul Tower is one of South Korea's landmark buildings, standing on the tower in Seoul, overlooking the night view of Seoul.
Not only domestic people like concentric lock, Koreans also like very much, Seoul tower dense concentric lock, sink into a sea of ​​love. The Wall of Seoul's message wall is also a bright spot, in this melodious years, a record of life bit by bit.
"Barometer" Dongdaemun (ë™ëŒ€ë¬¸) & Myeongdong (명ë™)
Dongdaemun & Myeong-dong are famous shopping malls in South Korea. They bring together the most popular clothes in Asia. They are praised by popular fans as a "barometer of the trend of the Korean fashion industry."
When the designer team took a field trip to Dongdaemun Shopping Center in Korea, lenoeko intern Dongdaemun & Myeong-dong intently learned to find every highlight of Korean fashion.
South Korea, is Asia's popular culture center, brought together the painstaking efforts of countless designers, the South Korea trip, lenoeko team carefully examined the Korean popular elements, combined with the integration into our design concept.
More stylish elements, more jumping soul, let us look forward to lenoeko new!
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