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At almost every stages of human history, man has looked for the assistance of magic objects called talismans to defy evil forces. Evil Eye Charms with letters, numbers or abstract signs have survived to this day. Even the modern religions with a single god have their own symbols on talismans. One of these symbols we find in almost every culture and faith for thousands of years... It's the figure of eye...
It was believed that, this eye saw all the wickedness in the world and removed poverty and ignorance. When Horus opened its eyes the world was enlightened, when he closed, it became dark. From Egypt, the eye talisman had spread to the Mediterranean, Middle East and Europe.
The blue Evil Eye Beads of Turkey that have been smiling for thousands of years, are eager to meet with the eyes of the new world. it is also known in most languages : In english as "bad eye", "the evil eye ", "evil look"- in French " Mauvais Oeil " - in German "böse Blick " - in Arabic "ayin hasad" (eye of envy) - in Armenian "paternak" - Yiddish "aynora or " ahora" from Hebrew "ayin harac" - Hungarian " szemmel veres" ("beating with eyes") - Polish "oko proroko" (" the eye of the prophet ") - Sicilian "jettatura" ("casting") . Brazilian Portuguese has "olho gordo" " ("fat eye") or "quebranto" "("breaker") - in Spanish " mal de ojo" (the eye's curse)- in Irish "droch-shuil" - in Greek " matiasma" or " mati "someone refers to the act of cursing someone with the evil eye.

Evil Eye Beads
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