The color of agate is mostly red, milky white, grayish white, orange red to deep red. The streak is white. Transparent to translucent. The body is light, hard and brittle, easy to break, and the cross section is visible with concentric ripples, like a shell. Sharp edges, scratched glass and scratches. Rapid friction is not hot. It is better to be firm, red and transparent.
Collection value:
On the color: usually the color of agate determines its appreciation potential. All grades of agate are best in red, blue, purple and pink. The color should be translucent, and there is no impurity, no sand, no crack. In the production process: the carving of natural agate stone is more difficult than the carving of jade stone. . In general, the agate that has been carefully crafted by skilled craftsmen is of high collection value. The thinner and more complex agate is more difficult to engrave.
Identify the authenticity:
Patterns and colors: The true agate color is bright and bright, and the color and light of the fake agate are both poor. The natural agate color is distinct, the strip pattern is very obvious, and the fake fake agate is mostly bright and uniform. The texture: the fake agate is mostly imitation of stone, which is softer than the true agate. The jade can be traced on the fake agate, while the real thing is Can't draw it. On the surface, there are few flaws in real agate, and there are more inferior qualities; true agate transparency is not as good as synthetic, slightly chaotic, some can see natural water lines or "clouds", while fake agate is as transparent as glass; weight : True agate jewelry is heavier than synthetic agate jewelry; temperature: true agate is warm in winter and cool in summer, while synthetic agate varies with outside temperature.
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