Polyester fishing net line and nylon fishing net line

Different materials of fishing nets will have different ways of using! The fishing net line is more common with polyester fishing net wire and nylon. Today we will take a look at the characteristics and identification of nylon fishing nets.
Polyester fishing net line and nylon fishing net line
The nylon monofilament fishing net line is easier to distinguish. The common fishing net line is a nylon monofilament. The nylon single mesh knot is double knotted. When the monofilament is close to the flame, it is slowly burned while melting, and has an amide smell, and the ash is a brown glass sphere.
The nylon multifilament fishing net line is difficult to distinguish and is easily confused with the polyester mesh and the polypropylene mesh. After obtaining the mesh, it can be identified by a simple appearance. The nylon multifilament has better resilience, and the weight of the polyester mesh is lighter than that of the polyester mesh. The softness of the mesh is moderate, and the polypropylene mesh of the polyester fishing net is relatively softer.
The polyester fishing net line thinks that it can be discriminated by the burning method. The polyester net is burned with black glass balls, and has the taste of polyester cotton cloth, which is the good taste. The polypropylene is irregular black block after burning.

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